Recommended Screen Time by Age: Here’s What the Experts Say

Screen Time

Overview: Doctors are concerned about kids learning sedentary behavior at a young age due to excessive screen use. As a result, guidelines recommend low amounts of screen time at early ages, loosening limits slightly as kids get older. And there are some behaviors, such as limiting the use of screens as “babysitters” and using parental control software, that are recommended across the board.

Negative Impacts of Excessive Screen Time

Doctors and other experts have worried about children’s media use for decades, and that particular dispute may never be resolved. Social media challenges celebrating dangerous behavior and the difficulties we all have with digital wellness don’t help. Yet for doctors, the biggest concern is what kids are not doing when they use a screen — moving.

According to the WHO, the biggest problem is that screens encourage sedentary behavior. As a result, they recommend their usage be limited until kids develop healthy habits that don’t revolve around video time or when their favorite TV show airs.

Aside from safety and sedentary lifestyle, doctors also share concerns about:

Screen Time Recommendations by Age

The following screen time limits are the current guidelines, according to the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.

Group of children listening to an adult.

Additional Screen Time Tips for Parents

How Screen Time Can Help

Busy parents of kids of all ages sometimes need help guiding their kids to healthier technology use. Screen Time can help by letting you set screen time limits and to know where your kids are spending their time online. See for yourself by trying Screen Time risk-free.