The Ultimate Guide to Nonprofit Bylaws (+Templates!)

Nonprofit bylaws can be thought of as a set of rules and procedures that govern the operations of a nonprofit.

In essence, bylaws outline the structure of a nonprofit organization. This includes the roles and responsibilities of its leadership and members, and the processes for decision-making and governance. They typically cover topics such as details about the board of directors, the duties of officers, meeting procedures, membership criteria, and procedures for amending the bylaws.

In general, regardless of the kind of organization you run, nonprofit bylaws help ensure transparency, accountability, and compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

What’s the purpose of bylaws?

Bylaws serve several important functions:

Overall, bylaws serve as a foundational document that guides the organization's activities and decision-making processes. Like establishing internal policies for a for-profit business, nonprofit bylaws promote effective and responsible management within a nonprofit.

What to include in nonprofit bylaws

While every nonprofit is different, there are a few necessary components that all nonprofits should include in their bylaws:

How to write nonprofit bylaws

Writing nonprofit bylaws can seem overwhelming, but with the right guidelines and tips, creating them can be simple.

Nonprofit Bylaws Template

The name of this organization shall be [Organization Name], hereinafter referred to as the "Organization."

Article II: Purpose

The purpose of the Organization shall be [state the charitable purpose or mission statement].

Article III: Membership

  1. Membership Eligibility: Membership in the Organization shall be open to [describe eligibility criteria].
  2. Types of Membership: The Organization shall offer [list types of membership, if applicable].
  3. Rights and Responsibilities: Members shall have the right to [list membership rights] and shall be responsible for [list membership responsibilities].
  4. Admission Procedures: Prospective members shall apply for membership by [describe application process].
  5. Termination and Resignation: Membership may be terminated or resigned under [state termination and resignation procedures].

Article IV: Board of Directors

  1. Composition: The affairs of the Organization shall be managed by a Board of Directors consisting of [number] members.
  2. Duties and Powers: The Board of Directors shall have the duty to [list board duties] and the power to [list board powers].
  3. Election and Terms: Directors shall be elected by [describe election process] and shall serve for a term of [number] years.
  4. Meetings: The Board shall meet [frequency] and special meetings may be called by [describe procedures for calling meetings].
  5. Committees: The Board may establish committees as necessary and shall define their composition, duties, and authority.

Article V: Officers

  1. Titles and Duties: The officers of the Organization shall include a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, each with specified duties and responsibilities.
  2. Election and Terms: Officers shall be elected by [describe election process] and shall serve for a term of [number] years.
  3. Vacancies: Vacancies in officer positions shall be filled by [describe procedures for filling vacancies].

Article VI: Meetings

  1. Annual Meeting: The Organization shall hold an annual meeting of members for the purpose of [state purpose of annual meeting].
  2. Special Meetings: Special meetings may be called by [describe procedures for calling special meetings].
  3. Notice: Notice of meetings shall be given to members [describe notice requirements].
  4. Quorum: A quorum for meetings shall consist of [describe quorum requirements].

Article VII: Finances

  1. Budget: The Board shall approve an annual budget and financial plan.
  2. Fiscal Year: The fiscal year of the Organization shall be [specify fiscal year].
  3. Financial Records: The Treasurer shall maintain accurate financial records and present financial reports to the Board.
  4. Audits: An annual audit or financial review shall be conducted by [describe procedures for audits].

Article VIII: Amendments

These bylaws may be amended by [describe amendment process], provided that such amendments are consistent with the Organization's exempt purposes.

Article IX: Dissolution

In the event of dissolution, the assets of the Organization shall be distributed to [describe distribution of assets].

Article X: Miscellaneous

  1. Indemnification: The Organization shall indemnify and hold harmless directors, officers, and volunteers to the fullest extent permitted by law.
  2. Non-Discrimination: The Organization shall not discriminate on the basis of [list protected categories] in its programs, activities, or employment practices.

Article XI: Effective Date

These bylaws shall become effective upon adoption by the Board of Directors

Nonprofit bylaws FAQs

What are nonprofit bylaws?

Nonprofit bylaws are a set of rules and procedures that outline the structure of the organization, and those within it. Bylaws serve as a legal framework for the organization and help ensure transparency, accountability, and compliance with relevant laws and regulations, too.

Do nonprofits have to have bylaws?

Yes, nonprofits are typically required to have bylaws as part of their organizational documents.

How do I write nonprofit bylaws?

To write nonprofit bylaws, follow these general steps:

    Start with a template or sample: Begin with a template or sample bylaws provided by reputable sources such as state nonprofit associations, legal assistance organizations, or online resources. Customize the template to fit the specific needs and characteristics of your organization.

How do you format bylaws?

The format of nonprofit bylaws typically follows a standard structure that includes sections or articles covering key aspects of the organization's operations.

Each section may include specific provisions addressing topics such as the organization's name and purpose, membership, and miscellaneous provisions. These should be organized with clear headings and subheadings so it’s as easy to read as possible.

How do I find nonprofit bylaws?

You can find nonprofit bylaws through various sources, including:

Are bylaws filed with the IRS?

No, nonprofit bylaws are not typically filed with the IRS. While the IRS requires nonprofit organizations to maintain certain organizational documents, such as articles of incorporation and tax-exempt status application materials (e.g., Form 1023 or Form 1024), bylaws themselves are not required to be filed with the IRS.

What happens if an organization does not follow its bylaws?

If an organization does not follow its bylaws, the nonprofit might experience:

Start your fundraising for free with Zeffy

Writing your own bylaws, and starting your own nonprofit, can feel overwhelming. But with the right tools and guidance, your organization can be up and running in no time.

With Zeffy, your nonprofit can take advantage of a completely free platform that helps you manage donors, events, and more—for free. Whether you’re looking to optimize your fundraising efforts or are starting a nonprofit with no money, Zeffy is a simple but powerful, free platform for all your needs.