This paper presents the fabrication and concept of four way hacksaw blade machine mainly carried out for production based industries. Industries are basically meant for production of useful goods and services at low production cost, Machinery cost and low inventory cost. This project consists of a crank and slider mechanism, linear bushing .Today in this world every task have been made quicker and fast due to technology advancement but this advancement also demands huge investment and expenditure, every industry desires to make high productivity rate maintaining the quality and standard of the product at low averag e cost. We have developed a prototype model, we have decided to use almost 1/10 th of the scale for the system. These machines can be used in remote places where electricity is regular. It is designed as a portable one which can be used for cutting in various places. It can be used for operating on materials like thin metals, wood.
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International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education
It is required to machine the round or square rod on different machine components like shaft ,bolts and screws etc. for a mass production there is need to cut the row material into number of pieces and this is conventionally perform on a power hack saw or simple hack saw machine which consume more time . To achieve this process within a less time the four way hack saw is developed. This project proposes the model of four way hack saw machine which is able to cut four pieces simultaneously with a very less time consumption. The model using dc motor for its operation ,Conversion of rotary motion of dc motor into reciprocating motion is obtained by using eccentric cam . This model can perform a cutting operation on four different components of different materials simultaneously. It becomes very useful in industry due to its efficiency, reliability and compatibility.
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In this project work and effort has been made to develop a modernized four way hacksaw machine and less stress full operation for cutting wood, metal and plastic materials. The aim o f this work is to develop a hacksaw machine that will use a less effort to produce uniform cutting of PVC pipes ,metals ,wood. It is also done to show the performance difference between hand driven, pedal drive and four way hacksaw machine. This model implies a conversion of rotary motion of crank to reciprocating motion of hacksaw blades, which is done by using Scotch Yoke Mechanism. This motion is used for hacksaw machine, in this model we can operate four hacksaws at same time. This model will overcome the traditional hacksaw machine which done material cutting of single piece at particular times interval and also fulfills the need o f more material cutting accounts to mass production. This machine works significantly with minimum vibrations and jerks. This machine will also done cutting of different materials, hence the purposed model of hacksaw machines will be welcomed by many industries due to compactness and efficiency. To achieve this goal the four way hacksaw machine is developed.
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The objective of this paper is to done analysis on Four-Way Hacksaw Machine and it's Hacksaw blade. This model implies conversion of rotary motion of crank to reciprocating motion of hacksaw blades, which is done by using Scotch Yoke Mechanism. This motion is used for hacksaw machine. In this model we can operate Four hacksaw's at the same time. This model will overcome the Traditional Hacksaw Machine which done material cutting of single piece at particular time interval and also fulfills the needs of more material cutting accounts to Mass Production. This machine works significantly with minimum vibrations and jerks. This machine will also done cutting of different kind of materials. Hence the proposed model of Hacksaw Machine will be welcomed by many industries due to compactness and improved efficiency. Key Words:Four-Way Hacksaw Machine, Scotch Yoke Mechanism, Reciprocating Motion
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As we know that in large manufacturing industries, the cutting operation is very required for raw material, for this purpose they use conventional hacksaw machine for cutting operation. In that type of machine single piece can cut at a time by using an electric motor. Also, one labor utilizes for same. So it is time-consuming and comparatively costly. Therefore we have manufactured a four-way hack-saw machine which is used for cutting job simultaneously, this four-way hack-saw machine uses single motor four cutting job at the same time while in conventional hack-saw machine single motor is used for cutting one job only. Conversion of rotary motion of dc motor into reciprocating motion is obtained by using the eccentric cam. By making such type of machine, cutting operation time as well as labor working time can be reduced. Since such a hack-saw machine gives more productivity than a conventional cutting hack-saw machine, it can be used in manufacturing industries where automation is required. It can be also used in industries where labor availability is less. In this present work, we manufactured a model of four-way hacksaw machine, so we use light duty of structural parts and crank mechanism, the capacity of the electric motor is also very low. But in future, if we want to use such type of machine in industry, we can manufacture it by using heavy duty of body structure and all other required parts.
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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
As we know that in large manufacturing industries, the cutting operation is very required for raw material, for this purpose they use manually operated conventional hacksaw machine for cutting operation. In that type of machine single piece can cut at a time by using an electric motor. Also,one labour utilizes for same. This project is on the design and construction of an electric supply hacksaw machine for cutting of metal to different size and length with the help of hacksaw. The objective of this project is to save man power and time in cutting metals in order to achieve high productivity. It is a cutting machine with teeth on its blade used specially for cutting metals. The power to hacksaw is provided by the motor. Here, the step down transformer is used for converting the 220-230V AC power to 12V DC power to run the machine smoothly , then the current is supplied to the motor then with the help of single slider crank mechanism. These machines can be used in remote places where electricity is regular. It is designed as a portable one which can be used for cutting in various places. It can be used for cutting in various places. It can be used for operating on materials like thin metals ,woods etc. I.
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There are many industrial applications where round bar or square bars are required to be operated on different machines to make machine components such as Shafts, Bolts, Screws etc. This needs more and more number of pieces to be cut for mass production of those components. To achieve this goal the Multi-way power hacksaw machine is developed. This paper proposes the model of multi-way hacksaw machine which is able to cut four pieces simultaneously without any jerk and minimum vibrations. The model implies conversion of rotary motion into the reciprocating motion for proper working of hacksaw. This model overcomes the limitations of conventional hacksaw machines which can cut single piece at a time. It is able to cut metal bars of different materials at same time and will be helpful in many industries due its compatibility, reliability and efficiency.
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Work done in this project is to develop a modernized quad blade hacksaw machine with less stress full operation for cutting wood, metal and plastic materials. Effort has been made to develop a hack saw to improve the performance by making it a motor driven two way hack saw machine. We have used an A.C. motor for rotating the Crank shaft using slider crank mechanism which is linked with the connecting rods. This motion is used for hack saw machine and we can operate four hacksaws at same time. This machine also will do cutting of various materials, hence this sort of mechanism of hack saw machines are going to be welcomed by many industries thanks to compactness and efficiency. This machine consists of four hack-saw blades mounted in two directions. To achieve this goal the quad blade hack saw machine is developed
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The objective of this work is to automate the conventional power hacksaw machine in order to achieve high productivity of work-pieces than the power hacksaw machine using Microcontroller. The automated machine acquires two inputs from the user namely the number of pieces to be cut and the length of each piece that is required to be cut. The inputs are given by the user with the help of a keypad and an LCD display, which will help the user to verify the data given by him. The operator need not measure the length of the work-piece that is to be cut and to load and unload the work-piece from the chuck each time after a piece has been cut. After acquiring the two inputs from the user, the machine automatically feeds the given length of work-piece in to a chuck and starts to cut till the given number of work-pieces has been cut. The machine feeds the work-piece with the help of a conveyor, which is driven by a DC motor and an IR sensor ensures that the feeding stops when the specified length has been reached. A pneumatic cylinder is used for holding the work-piece when cutting operation is done. An AC motor is used to bring about the reciprocating motion required for cutting the work-pieces. There is a self-weight attached with the reciprocating mechanism to provide the necessary downward force required for penetration of hacksaw blade in to the work-piece. When a single piece has been cut, a limit switch will get triggered by the self-weight mechanism, which is sensed by the microcontroller to start the cyclic operation again provided if the specified number of work-pieces has not been cut.
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