16 Social Media Content Ideas for Dentists

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We know, we know! As a dentist, the last thing you have time to deal with is coming up with social media content ideas. And for that reason, you’re probably pretty tired of people like us telling you how important it is! ;)

But social media isn’t going anywhere. It has proven a highly effective advertising tool. That is especially true with younger generations. As more and more Millennials and Gen Z-ers age into needing frequent dental care, the dentists who don’t use social media are probably going to miss out on some new patients.

Not to mention, it can build loyalty! Let’s say a patient has visited you once for a cleaning but then starts having a toothache a month later. Maybe there is a practice nearby that is closer to their home. They’re thinking of just going there, but they thought you and your team were quite nice when they went in before and they’ve been following all of your fun content on social media. Guess who might just make the longer drive again, because they feel like they have a real connection with you?

If you want to dive into the benefits of social media further and glean some tips on how to set yours up, check out two of our other recent blog posts:

Once you’ve read through those, jump back here, because we’re about to give you 16 social media content ideas for dentists, organized through four categories.

“Get to Know You” Content

This can often be the best type of social media content to start off with, as it serves to “introduce” your profile/account within each platform. Remember that these posts don’t have to be straightforward info about your practice. Social media invites creativity!

Here are a few ideas:

Educational Content

This is an opportunity for you to really shine! You might think people on social wouldn’t be interested in lectures from their dentists, but actually, social media content like this performs well. They give your audience the opportunity to learn about a topic relevant to their health in a comfortable setting: their own home! It can prove valuable for them and you, because it might reduce their nervousness about a problem they’re having and the procedure they think they need, encouraging them to give you a call.

Here are a few ideas:

Testimonial Content

This doesn’t only mean literal testimonials from your patients, though those would be great to include! We also mean before and afters, if they’re relevant for your practice’s services.

Here are a few ideas:

Celebration Content

When you post about a holiday or accomplishment, it invites people to give you an easy like. They don’t have to think about whether or not they should like, comment, or support. It is an unquestionably positive thing. It’s simple! This type of social media content can also be a great way to fill out your feed, as it presents timely seasonal opportunities.

Here are a few ideas:

While the list of ideas for social media are nearly endless, these 16 social media content ideas for dentists are an awesome starting point.

Through these concepts, you can help your online audience get to know you, learn about their oral health, discover other patients’ stories to connect with, and gain the sense that your team is personal, fun, and skilled by viewing your celebrations and accomplishments.

Who wouldn’t want to provide their patients with all of that? And to do so for a bunch of them at once, instead of offering these insights and information one-on-one, over and over. Undeniably, social media is a fantastic tool for the dentist.

We hope these ideas have helped you see the truth in that statement and will assist you as you get the ball rolling!

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