How to Write a Press Release That Catches People's Attention

Ninisha Pradhan photo

by Ninisha Pradhan / September 2, 2021

how to write a press release

Ancient Greeks had the God of Messengers, but modern-day companies have the King of Communications - press releases.

Everyone has something to say these days and with modern communication becoming increasingly democratized and within everyone’s reach, spreading a message has never been easier.

For organizations, however, communications can be an extremely delicate matter. Covering and distributing news requires careful planning and preparation beforehand. Knowing what topics or stories would pique the target audience’s interest can also help businesses control the narrative.

Media coverage and the press still predominantly control trends in the industry. Companies need to nail timing and precision, and constantly keep a tab of what’s trending in the current media landscape. Not only does this help them create impactful stories but it also plays a role in getting their stories past the gatekeepers of the media: journalists.

While media monitoring software helps you track the latest news or trending topics within an industry, there comes a time when a company has its own newsworthy story to share. This is where press releases present themselves as valuable communications tools.

Let’s take a closer look at press releases, their benefits, and tips on writing your own.

What is a press release?

A press release is a piece of news or an official written announcement a company issues to media outlets, meant to be distributed to the general public. A press release is also known as a news release, press statement, e-release ('Erelease'), or media release.

Press releases are an integral component of any public relations (PR) and media communications strategy. They’re used to spread any news, messages, or announcements that paint an organization in a favorable light to its customers.

In the age of social media, tweets, and podcasts, press releases still hold their own. Press releases can be utilized by any company looking to reach its target audience quickly and effectively.

Tip: The secret to every successful press release is visibility. Press release distribution software helps gain the most media coverage efficiently and with the least amount of effort.

When to send a press release?

Ever heard the saying “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”? The reverse also holds true.

Press releases should be utilized whenever a company has something exciting or ground-breaking to announce. However, what may be considered big to you may not necessarily be the same to others.

Here’s how you can decide whether your piece of information is genuinely newsworthy:

A press release doesn’t need to check all these boxes, but a strong press release usually contains two or more of these factors.

Types of press releases

Technically, a press release can be about anything a company considers “newsworthy.” That said, patterns have emerged with the most common scenarios where press releases work well.

Below are the typical types of press releases:

Funding announcement

Some of the most popular press releases are ones that announce rounds of funding.

These releases instantly attract eyeballs because customers, partners, investors, and even competitors are naturally curious about which organizations are riding the wave of success. It’s a shining moment for companies as well since a round of funding is a testament to their growth and position in the industry.

When writing a press release that announces funding, it’s important to cover what that investment will be used for, who helped raise this amount, and what the future holds for the company. These kinds of press statements are usually written in an excited and optimistic tone.

Take a look at how G2 announced becoming a startup unicorn after raising Series D funding in this funding press release example.

funding press release example

Source: G2

Notice how this press release addresses questions around why the funding was raised and how this money will be utilized in the future.

Event press release

When you throw a birthday party, you send invitations to all the guests, arrange party favors, set a venue, and pick a date. But how would you ensure that everyone comes to the party? You’d likely send out reminders and make some phone calls a few days before the party.

Events in the business world are like birthday parties. The only difference is that invitees are not as inclined to attend every event they get an invitation for.

The lack of reminders is not the issue here, with so many reminder emails flooding our inboxes prior to an event. The issue is a lack of interest. People need to be convinced that an event is worthwhile. Apart from varying interest levels, not everyone’s schedule is light. People need to plan their schedules way ahead of time before they can commit to a date.

Event press releases are an integral part of an event marketing plan. An event press release promotes a newsworthy event that a company is hosting, attending, or sponsoring. This helps the event gain more traction with people reading about it on channels they value.

Event press releases should also contain all the necessary information like the venue, the featured guests or speakers, the highlights, the pricing, and the date.

If you’re trying to get media members or a broader audience to attend, then your timing is just as important as the press release itself. You want to make sure to give people plenty of notice so they can plan accordingly.

Check out this example of an event press release where G2 announces participation in the Oracle OpenWorld 2019 summit. Not only does this announcement mention G2’s presence at the prestigious gathering, but it also talks about G2’s charitable intentions and plans for making the most out of the event.

event press release example

Source: G2

Speaking of charitable initiatives, the following types of press releases can be used to show customers that your company cares about important causes.

Charitable initiative press release

Businesses are more cognizant of how they can give back to society. Charitable initiatives have become increasingly commonplace (and for good reason). Unfortunately, with so many corporations deciding to be more charitable, a vast majority of the public never hears about all the good deeds being done.

A charitable initiative press release is the perfect opportunity to show customers that you care about more than the bottom line. Not to mention, news outlets love to feature feel-good stories that balance out the onslaught of negative coverage.

While this may seem like an excellent opportunity to brag about yourself, tread cautiously. The most effective press releases highlight the company's values and rally others around a good cause.

Take a look at how G2 Gives announced its plans to raise funds in this press release example for OutRight Action International to recognize Pride Month.

charity press release example

Source: G2

Announcing a new executive hire

While every member of an organization plays a vital role in helping the company move forward, some critical roles act as the face of a business. Senior leadership roles are coveted and highly revered across most industries. Therefore, the announcement for filling these roles also requires some pizazz.

Companies use a new hire press release to announce essential leadership changes. Typically focused on high-level executives, this type of press release summarizes their professional accomplishments and offers biographical information. A photo of the new hire is standard practice.

These kinds of press statements send out a loud and clear message: This is who we’ve trusted to help take our company to the next level.

New hire press releases show confidence in the leadership team and declare to the industry that the company has hired the best people for the job. If your company just hired a well-known executive from a top competitor, for instance, that's a credibility boost – and a good sign for investors. You can also adopt a similar press release format whenever you've promoted someone from within to a key executive position.

Here's an example of a new hire announcement from DemandGenReport when Amanda Malko joined G2 as the new Chief Marketing Officer (CMO).

new hire press release example

Source: DemandGenReport

Award press release

Every day, someone in the world wins a competition we probably don’t hear about. For example, if a local high school football team wins the state playoffs, people outside that state might not even be aware of it.

Similarly, with prestigious award ceremonies like the Grammys or the Tony Awards, people might not know who won a particular category if they missed the taping. Broadcasting channels that mention all the winners could then enlighten those that missed out on the live telecast.

Industry awards and accolades are standard, but unless your audience is as deeply immersed in the space as you are, it's unlikely they will ever hear about them. An award press release gives you the chance to celebrate your success publicly. Press releases that detail a company’s accomplishments help validate that organization’s capabilities and bring in more credibility.

This kind of press release serves a bigger purpose than just informing the audience about big wins. These announcements can catch the eye of prospective customers in any stage of the sales funnel, investors looking for emerging leaders within the industry, or other businesses looking to build partnerships.

Distributing a press release clues them in and positions you as an industry leader.

Product press release

Even mega-corporations like Apple with legions of fan blogs, forums, and podcasts continue to use press releases whenever a new product or upgrade is launched.

Why? Because these press releases offer just enough details to intrigue journalists. The resulting flurry of media coverage turns the upcoming launch into a spectacle we all get caught up in, allowing Apple to control the narrative surrounding it.

With a product launch press release, organizations can reveal just enough information about their latest solution to scratch the surface and fascinate the audience. While it’s a good idea to include pertinent information like the product features, pricing, and other specifications, try to focus on the angle of consumer impact and the value the audience will gain from this launch.

Companies that focus on the benefits of these new features or products (instead of dry technical specifications) motivate the media to pick up their story and run with it. Timing is critical. And since you can't sustain that high interest forever, you'll often see these press releases appear shortly before a launch.

Similar to product launch announcements, product upgrades or expansions are also great occasions for a press release. With these situations, try to explain what changes were made, the reason behind these changes, and why this benefits the audience.

The key to any product launch or upgrade press release is to emphasize what’s in it for the consumers. Since they’re the ones that’ll be reading this press statement, it needs to appeal to their sentiments first.

Rebranding press release

A new look is a good reason for an announcement. Any change that affects how the organization looks or functions should be shared with the audience.

Whatever prompts this – whether the change is a new logo or company name, merger or acquisition, shift in product direction – companies need to explain this decision succinctly.

A rebranding press release supplements a broader branding strategy. Organizations are aware that their customers are used to a specific identity. Businesses don't want their audience to get confused during the transition.

Rebranding press releases typically specify what exactly will change (logo, audience served, etc.) and attempt to excite the audience about the change.

Partnership press release

You've been negotiating a new partnership deal for months. Releasing a press release is the perfect way to announce the news once it's finally official.

Each business in a partnership has built a relationship with its distinct audiences. A press release that appeals to both communities will get everyone on the same page. Additionally, a partnership press release helps each brand leverage the other’s audience to secure more exposure.

A partnership press release also gives the companies a chance to explain why the decision was made. While it can be a great sign for investors, the purpose of these press releases go beyond being strictly financial. A partnership press release also gets customers excited about the new features, services, or experience they'll gain access to.

Check out this example of a partnership press release that announces the official partnership between G2 and Medallia.

partnership press release example

Source: G2

How to write a press release for different occasions

Every type of news release or press statement differs in content and the way it’s distributed. While most press releases follow a similar format, it’s good to be aware of the factors that differentiate one from the other.

Below are a few ways to write a press release for different types of events and activities.

How to write a press release for an event

Events are time-sensitive, so their press releases must reflect that. This means the creation and distribution of content are equally important. Press release distribution services can come in handy during these occasions.

Tip: Having press release distribution software can help companies disseminate any statements or announcements in the days leading up to a big event and seamlessly execute their event marketing strategy.

Keep the following points in mind while writing an event press release: