What am I getting?


Printed IDP Booklet: Includes your driver's license info. Valid up to 3 years. Delivered in 2-30 working days. Check status via QR code.

Booklet spread: Inside, translation of driver data into several languages for comfortable driving abroad.

ID Card with license details: Translated details on a plastic card. Supports your IDP Booklet and original license. Verify via QR code.

Digital IDP: version for immediate access. Save on your devices. Not accepted in UAE and Saudi Arabia. Always carry the printed version as backup.

We ship all products in a blue branded folder that will help keep everything safe and not get lost. IDP Sample

What am I getting?

International Driving Permit (IDP), regulated by the United Nations, certifies that you are the holder of a valid driver's license in your country of origin.

Your IDP is a valid form of identification in more than 150 countries worldwide. It contains your name, photo, and driver information in the 12 most widely spoken languages in the world.

Start IDP Application

How to get your IDP

Fill in the forms

Have your driver’s license and delivery address handy

Upload pictures of your driver's license

Wait for confirmation and you’re ready to go!

Is an International Driving Permit Required in Russia?

Not all citizens of this country are as fluent in both written and oral skills when it comes to the English language. And if you are driving in this country and your driver's license is not in English, it adds up more on the language barrier issues when you are stopped by the local authorities in this country.

This is where an International Driving Permit (IDP) becomes useful. The IDP is a document recommended by the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic, which translates your Home Driver's license into 12 of the widely used languages worldwide. Countries such as Sweden, Spain, Thailand, Ukraine, Zimbabwe, Poland, Philippines, Pakistan, New Zealand, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Iceland, Greece , Armenia, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, and others.

How do I Get An International Driver's License in Russia?

There is no such thing as an International Driver's License. The document which is used for foreigners to drive in the country is an IDP. However, if you intend to drive for more than three months, then you may need to convert your licence into a russian driving license.

As for getting an IDP, you only need to do the following:

  1. Click the "Start My Application" button on the upper right corner of the page.
  2. Complete your application form and specify which vehicle you intend to drive.
  3. Attach a copy of your valid National Driving Licence.
  4. Then attach a copy of your passport size photo.
  5. After that, attach your credit card details to pay the fee.

Do I Need an IDP in Cities and Districts of Russia

The answer is yes for most regions in the country. Whether you are a tourist driving in Russian Federation on holiday or for business purposes, the International Driving Permit is an essential document for you to carry. Keep in mind that it isn't a substitution for your local driving licence. It is just an interpretation of your ordinary permit. Accordingly, when you are driving motor vehicle in Russia, you’ll need your IDP and your national license.

Is a Local Driver’s License Valid in Russia?

Driving in Russian Federation with your home country license is not enough to allow you to drive in the country. Besides your native driving license, you must acquire an international driver’s license or IDP as a prerequisite document prior to driving in Russia. For example, if you have a U.S. drivers license in Russia, this foreign driver’s license is supposed to be accompanied by the IDP. The international driver’s license essentially grants you the right to operate a car around the country. Any holder of a foreign driver's license should have an IDP.

The said rule doesn’t apply to a person who is driving in Russia with a United Kingdom license. The aforementioned license is already enough to allow you to operate a vehicle in the country even without an IDP. So, as you can see, a regular driving license in Russia can also dictate if you are eligible for driving or you require the acquisition of an IDP. For the aforementioned reason, only those who carry a driver’s license are qualified to obtain the said permit. Foreign drivers should always bring their IDPs when driving in the country.

Who Can Apply for an IDP?

An IDP is an important prerequisite for those who plan to drive in a foreign country. The permit is vital as it enables local authorities to evaluate your competence as a driver. You need to secure an IDP, and it should always be accompanied by your local license from your native country. Your regular driver’s license is also one of the major documents that you should possess if you apply for the IDP.

The said permit is basically just a translation of your regular license to enable other nations to understand what is written on your local license. In the event that you decide to apply for an IDP, visit the International Drivers Association's application page and pick an IDP bundle that will associate with the validity of your IDP. Here are the documents needed for your application: