Official Site of The State of New Jersey
Titles for Business Vehicles (Entity Identification Number)
MVC issues Entity Identification Numbers (EIN) to businesses located in New Jersey. Your business will receive a 15-digit EIN that will be required for all transactions. EIN was formerly known as Corporation Code (Corpcode).
Financial institutions, leasing companies or businesses located outside the State that are legally registered to conduct business in New Jersey may request an EIN.
Before the MVC can issue an EIN, you must register your business with the New Jersey Division of Revenue and request a Federal Tax ID Number (FEIN).
The following businesses must file organizational documents with New Jersey Commercial Recording:
- Corporations
- Limited Partnerships
- Limited Liability Partnerships
- Limited Liability Companies
- Domestic Profit and Foreign Profit
Sole proprietorships and partnerships are not required to register with Commercial Recording, but must provide a Business Registration Certificate or Tax License issued by the New Jersey Division of Revenue or proof of registration with the County Clerk where the business is located.
To get an EIN:
- Fill out and submit the EIN Application (Form BA-8) located in the Related Links section below..
- Scan and email completed application (Form BA-8) to:
- Out-of-state applicants must submit a color photocopy of their driver’s license or other proof of photo identification, mailing address, fax number and telephone number of the authorized signatory submitting the application on behalf of the entity.
- If submitting a valid New Jersey driver license, no additional identification documents are required.
- Submit proof of Federal Employee Identification Number from the IRS (if applicable).
- Submit proof that your company is legally registered to do business in New Jersey. You must present one of the following:
- Certificate of Formation
- Certificate of Incorporation
- Application (Form BA-8) requesting an EIN for your business.
- New Jersey lienholders must follow steps 1, 5 and 7. In addition, you must submit the following document as stipulated below:
- Banks – submit banking commission documents.
- Credit Unions – submit charter papers.
- All other financial institutions and out-of-state dealers – no additional documents required.
Understanding the approval process
- EINs will not be assigned the same day.
- You will receive a letter or email within 5 business days.
- You may email the MVC at or call (609) 292-6500 ext. 5003 after three business days to inquire on your status of application.
- Failure to complete the application or supply additional requested information will delay the review.
- If titling and registration is being handled by the dealership where you purchased your vehicle, you may supply the approved EIN directly to the dealership.
- EINs will be assigned to the home office or to business locations having separate Federal or State tax ID numbers.
Note: It is your responsibility to ensure that the registration renewal applications are properly distributed to individual locations.
Change of company address
Address change requests must be submitted on Application (BA-8) within seven days and include:
- MVC-issued Entity Identification Number (EIN).
- Federal Tax ID Number displaying current address (FEIN).
- Former and new company address.
- Telephone number.
- Proof of identification of the company officer requesting address change.
- Signature of individual with authority to sign for the company.
Requests can be sent by mail or e-mail as follows:
Change of company name
Name change requests must be submitted on Application (BA-8) within seven days. This includes changes for:
- INC to LLP
- Non-profit to profit
- CO to INC
- Telephone number
- Bank purchase of another bank
- Foreign corporations
- Name change
NOTE: If Tax Identification number changes with name change, you must apply for a new Corpcode and provide documents as listed above in obtaining an EIN.
Out-of-state companies
If your company is a financial institution, leasing company or rental company, you may apply for a New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission EIN if the vehicle will be garaged, titled and registered within the State.
- Follow steps 1, 2, 4, 5 and 7 of the instructions above (to get an EIN) for requesting an EIN and email or mail the completed form to:
NJ-MVC Business Licensing Services Bureau
PO Box 170
Trenton, NJ 08666
- OR you may scan and email all documents to:
- To expedite your response, please provide contact information in your request.
If your corporate headquarters already has an EIN, you will be required to use that number.