Here, the result set has a new column, order_volume which labels the rows with amounts greater than or equal to 10000 as Large Order and smaller than 10000 as Small Order .


SELECT column1, column2. , CASE WHEN condition THEN result END AS alias_name FROM table;

Note: The syntax of CASE always starts with the CASE keyword and ends with the END keyword followed by a column name alias.

Example: Voter Eligibility Using SQL CASE

-- add a new column 'can_vote' to Customers table -- insert 'Allowed' into it if customer is older than 17 SELECT customer_id, first_name, CASE WHEN age >= 18 THEN 'Allowed' END AS can_vote FROM Customers;

Here, the SQL command checks each row with the given case. The result set contains:

How to use <a href=CASE in SQL" width="600" height="600" />

Example: SQL CASE to Calculate the Discount Amount

Let's take a look at another example where we want to provide a 10% discount on each order for a Christmas sale if the amount is 400 or more.

SELECT order_id, customer_id, CASE WHEN amount >= 400 THEN (amount - amount * 10/100) END AS offer_price FROM Orders;

Here, the CASE statement checks if the amount is greater than or equal to 400. If this condition is satisfied, a new column offer_price will contain the values equal to amount - amount * 10/100 .

CASE With Multiple Conditions

It is also possible to stack multiple conditions inside a single CASE clause.


SELECT column1, column2, . CASE WHEN condition1 THEN result1 WHEN condition2 THEN result2 -- Add more WHEN conditions and results as needed END AS alias_name FROM table_name;

We can add as many WHEN . THEN conditions as required in the CASE statement. For example,

-- multiple CASE conditions in SQL SELECT customer_id, first_name, CASE WHEN country = 'USA' THEN 'United States of America' WHEN country = 'UK' THEN 'United Kingdom' END AS country_name FROM Customers;

Here, the result set contains a new column, country_name along with customer_id and first_name .

The value of country_name becomes:


A CASE statement can have an optional ELSE clause. The ELSE clause is executed if none of the conditions in the CASE statement is matched.


SELECT customer_id, first_name, CASE WHEN condition1 THEN result1 WHEN condition2 THEN result2 -- Add more WHEN conditions and results as needed ELSE else_result END AS alias_name FROM table_name;

The ELSE clause has no condition as it is executed if none of the WHEN conditions are matched. For example,

-- CASE condition with ELSE clause in SQL SELECT customer_id, first_name, CASE WHEN country = 'USA' THEN 'United States of America' WHEN country = 'UK' THEN 'United Kingdom' ELSE 'Unknown Country' END AS country_name FROM Customers;

Here, the result set contains a new column, country_name along with customer_id and first_name .

The value of country_name becomes:

How to use CASE With ELSE in SQL

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