Airline Enterprise - Public Beta

Captain Krunch

Posted 27 April 2017 - 02:23 AM Captain Krunch

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  • 24 posts
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    Over the past year, I have been working on a new web-based, online airline management game called Airline Enterprise. About a month ago, the game entered public beta and is currently open to the public for testing. I'd like to extend an invitation for anyone who is interested to try out the game and assist with development. In order to progress the game further we need to do more large-scale testing, which is difficult with only 44 members.

    A little about me/history of the project:

    A few of you may know me as Unknown98 from other games, most notably Cyber Airlines which is now defunct. This project started as a response to the shutdown of that game but quickly evolved into something much more.

    I feel like there are two major points that make Airline Enterprise different from most other airline games:

    1. The game is in real-time. This slows down gameplay a bit and allows for finer control of all aspects of the airline.
    2. Routes are not limited to hub and spoke style; You have more creative control over the routes you fly.

    Of course, depending on your style of gameplay the real-time aspect could be viewed as a pro or a con. But ultimately I think it gets players more involved in the day-to-day life of their airline. It can also be beneficial for people who may not have as much free time on their hands.

    Here are a few screenshots of the game:




    By no means is the game finished. There are still a lot of things I want to add before ending the public beta stage and officially launching the game. I have a to-do list posted on the forums which you can check out if you'd like.

    Additionally, I'd like to thank Yuxi for having this section of the forum and allowing small projects like this a way of making themselves visible to a greater audience.

    Again, anyone is welcome to join and try out the game, give suggestions, report bugs and so on. If anyone has any questions, ask away

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