This guide is intended to direct researchers to resources on scholarly legal writing, including both legal and interdisciplinary resources.
In addition to a standard first-year legal writing curriculum, most law schools now require upper-level students to write a sophisticated legal research paper on a topic of their choice. Students often struggle through the scholarly writing process, from finding a topic to polishing a final paper, and many never fully develop and defend a thesis. Scholarly Writing : Ideas, Examples, and Execution offers a lifeline to students, guiding them through the process of constructing their legal research papers from start to finish.
Call Number: KF 250 .V65 2016 ISBN: 9781634598880 Publication Date: 2016-02-19Designed to help law students write and publish articles, this text provides detailed instructions for every aspect of the law school writing, research, and publication process. Topics covered include law review articles and student notes, seminar term papers, how to shift from research to writing, cite-checking others' work, publishing, and publicizing written works. With supporting documents available on, the book helps law students and everyone else involved in academic legal writing: professors save time and effort communicating basic points to students; law schools satisfy the American Bar Association's second- and third-year writing requirements; and law reviews receive better notes from their staff. The Fifth Edition, based on the author's experience teaching his newly designed Intensive Editing Workshop and First Amendment Amicus Brief Clinic, adds material on editing, rebutting counterarguments, writing strategy, identifying and using the key assets of the article, fighting "the curse of knowledge," and submitting articles to law reviews. It also adds extra examples of sound writing, as well as editing exercises.
Call Number: PE 1429 .Z5 2001 ISBN: 0060006641 Publication Date: 2001-09-01On Writing Well has been praised for its sound advice, its clarity and the warmth of its style. It is a book for everybody who wants to learn how to write or who needs to do some writing to get through the day, as almost everybody does in the age of e-mail and the Internet. Whether you want to write about people or places, science and technology, business, sports, the arts or about yourself in the increasingly popular memoir genre, On Writing Well offers you fundamental priciples as well as the insights of a distinguished writer and teacher. With more than a million copies sole, this volume has stood the test of time and remains a valuable resource for writers and would-be writers.
Call Number: KF 250 .F35 2017 ISBN: 9781683282075 Publication Date: 2017-03-24This book fills an important niche in legal-writing literature by teaching law students how to write scholarly papers for seminars, law reviews, and law-review competitions and how to have their work recognized. It helps novices and more experienced scholars alike to write papers with a minimum of anxiety and a maximum of creativity.
Call Number: KF 250 .R38 2013 ISBN: 9780314271662 Publication Date: 2012-10-16This how-to writing guide helps lawyers and law students master the full array of legal writing tasks and become adept and agile writers. While chapters focus on specific legal writing tasks, they also teach sophisticated writing techniques and how to use them effectively in a legal context. Chapters cover statutes, jury instructions, contracts, issues, objective and persuasive statements of fact, discussion sections and arguments, pleadings, documents for motion practice, interrogatories, correspondence (including electronic forms), opinion letters, wills and trusts, and research papers.
Call Number: K 85 .R47 2017 ISBN: 9781474403214 Publication Date: 2017-01-18Introduces students to legalistic, theoretical, empirical, comparative and cross-disciplinary research methods, grounded in working examples. Drawing on actual research projects, Research Methods for Law discusses how legal research as process impacts on research as product. The author team has a broad range of teaching and research experience in law, criminal justice and socio-legal studies, and give examples from real-life research products to illustrate the theory. New for this edition: a new chapter on inter- and cross-disciplinary research - essential reading for international students and students with a non-law first degree undertaking research in the areas of law, criminology, psychology and sociology; research ethics has been expanded to a full chapter that includes current plagiarism and imperfect disclosure; existing chapters have been brought up-to-date with the newest thinking in legal research. ;
Call Number: KF 250 .M87 2015 ISBN: 9781609302450 Publication Date: 2015-07-10This law school text teaches the fundamentals of legal writing, analysis, and the American legal method. It fosters critical lawyering skills, such as how to identify a legal rule from a variety of sources, analyze and explain its components, apply the rule to answer a problem, and communicate the results in an effective manner. In the second edition, coverage of authority and rule formation have been streamlined and tightened. The authors have increased the visual appeal and content of callout boxes, charts, and tables; and they have replaced and shortened the length of examples so as to provide two to three times as many samples of practitioner writing in each chapter. With this new edition, the authors endeavor to train future lawyers to be ethical and professional issue-spotters, analysts, counselors, problem-solvers, and communicators working to advance their clients' interests.