Reading Endorsement Competencies & Matrix

The Just Read Florida! office spearheaded the effort to review and revise the Reading Endorsement Competencies in 2022 for alignment with evidence-based instructional and intervention strategies rooted in the science of reading. The changes address identifications of the characteristics of conditions such as dyslexia, implementation of evidence-based classroom instruction and interventions, including evidence-based reading instruction and interventions specifically for students with characteristics of dyslexia, and effective progress monitoring. The Florida Reading Endorsement Competencies 2022 incorporate the use of explicit, systematic, and sequential approaches to reading instruction, developing phonological and phonemic awareness, decoding, and implementing multisensory intervention strategies.

The review and revisions of the Florida Reading Endorsement Competencies were accomplished under the guidance and partnership with the Florida Center for Reading Research at Florida State University, the Lastinger Center for Learning at the University of Florida, and the Morgridge International Reading Center at the University of Central Florida. The expertise of these literacy leaders founded the revisions of the Florida Reading Endorsement Competencies in collaboration with other significant stakeholders including professional organizations and committee members with varied professional backgrounds reflective of Florida’s population impacted by the Reading Endorsement (ESE, ELL, Higher Education, etc.). The revisions of the Florida Reading Endorsement Competencies were approved by the State Board of Education in July 2022 in State Board of Education Rule 6A-4.0163, F.A.C.